Plugin Tag: logout
Login First
(1 total ratings)This plugin makes users login first before they can see your website. Real handy when you are developing a site or just want to to shield it from sear …
Siris Login/Logout Redirect
(1 total ratings)Manage your users login and logout experience with this easy to use plugin.
Invalidate Logged Out Cookies
(0 total ratings)This plugin will immediately invalidate your auth cookies when you manually log out.
LogInOut button
(1 total ratings)Заменяет [LogInOut] в виджете "html" ("Внешний вид"->"Виджеты") на кнопку "Вход редактора/Выйти". Фильтр.
FX simple LoginLogout
(0 total ratings)Plugin displays simple horizontal login for top of the page. If WP-fb-autoconnect plugin installed users may connect using facebook credentials
Wonkasoft Logout
(0 total ratings)Wonkasoft Logout is a simple plugin for the adding of a redirect.
NCD Login/Logout
(0 total ratings)Adds simple, clean links so users can login/logout & register easily. Highly customisable and can be used as a widget.
WP login/out link with login popup
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds login/ logout link in the navigation menu accordinng to the user login status and then redirect to page/link set by admin.
Logout Link Placement Plugin
(0 total ratings)Logout Link Placement Plugin allows you to place the logout link in the left navigation of the administration panel.
VS Custom Redirects
(0 total ratings)With this lightweight plugin you can set a custom page redirect for the default Login, Logout, Register and Lost Password feature.
(0 total ratings)This plugin will not allow the user to access login pages after logout when press the browser back button
Login With SSO
(0 total ratings)WP-SSO plugin helps your users to login to WordPress site with any SAML compliant Identity provider
Multisite Logout Users
(0 total ratings)Requires Wordpress Multisite Installation Stable Tag: 1.0 License: GPLv3 License URI:
Admin User Control
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a useful feature to the administration screen that allows administrators to control the users involved in their operations.