Plugin Tag: password
Unlock Digital (No Passwords)
(7 total ratings)Log into your WordPress site using a smartphone… No typing and no passwords! (almost)
(0 total ratings)A neat User/File Management with a jQuery frontend to display customizable directory/file tree. Now with public download area.
iPad Rubberneck Disrupter
(1 total ratings)Hides the WordPress login password as it is typed on your iPad or other IOS device.
(1 total ratings)Allow users to change password encryption method to SHA1, SHA2, AES Rijndael and more…
Force New Password
(2 total ratings)Force your new users to change their first password when they log in.
Disallow Pwned Password
(2 total ratings)Disallow WordPress and WooCommerce users using pwned passwords.
AWEOS Admin Login
(0 total ratings)Login without a password: Use this plugin to login via email verification, no password required.
BuddyPress Password Strength Meter
(2 total ratings)Password strength meter for the 'change password' screen in BuddyPress
Password Policy & Complexity Requirements
(1 total ratings)Set up the password policy and complexity requirements for the users of your WordPress website.
Disable Reset Password
(1 total ratings)Disabling reset password function over email of Wordpress and Fix bug Unauthorized Reset Password (0day).
EM Custom Login
(3 total ratings)Enables a completely customizable WordPress login, registration and password form.
Advanced Password Security
(1 total ratings)Force your administrators to update their password after a set amount of time.
Lemonberry Page Protect
(3 total ratings)Lemonberry Page Protect is a simple way to restict page/post content to a list of (non-Wordpress) users.
Restrict Password Changes – MultiSite
(0 total ratings)Restricts multisite password changes to super admins only.
Memorable Password
(0 total ratings)This plugin generates a memorable and strong password. For example, animals, country names, foods etc.
Woo Generate New Password Reset Link
(0 total ratings)Sends customers a link to create a password rather than auto-generating a password for them.
(3 total ratings)Cat-Pass lets you password-protect categories. Caution: deactivating the plugin will render your protected posts visible again.